Child sponsorship portrait

Gabriel Mulinge

Monthly Cost: $45.00


Makueni, Kenya
Grade 12
Age 17
Jan. 1, 2008
Unknown caretaker


Gabriel is a hardworking and serious young man. When he was young, his mother left Dad and the four children at home while she went and lived an immoral lifestyle. After around five years, their mom came back and demanded to have the children back. Because of her lifestyle, Dad refused. However, she accused Gabriel's Dad to the police with false charges and through a series of battles, she managed to get the children to come to her place. From that time, they have struggled and barely managed to keep food on the table, much less stay in school. When the two oldest girls realized they would not be able to finish school, they seemed to lose hope and have both had children out of wedlock. 

Gabriel however is very determined to finish. Though at times he has stayed home most of the school year, he has encouraged himself and pushed through the difficulties. He is now ready to start 12th grade and wants to finish so he can do some classes on electrical engineering and provide a better future for his children than the one he has found himself in. Would you be the friend who stands with Gabriel not only to help him achieve academically but also to develop spiritually and regain a firm foundation? 

About Gabriel's Home: Makueni

Makueni County is a part of

SoutheasternKenya generally known as Ukambani.The climate is usually hot and dry making farming a challenge and food supplies short.The main diet in these areas is corn

products, beans, some fruits and green vegetables such as kale when the weather permits. The main language spoken is Kikamba and the primary religion is Christianity though there is still much traditional superstition and a recent influx

of Islam