Felix Mwailu Mwailu Yumbu
Monthly Cost: $60.00
Felix is a good looking young man .He lives with his parents who are casual workers. His parents are not able to support him together with his siblings .Despite everything around him , Felix has remained to be happy and hopeful that someday there will be light in the family.
Felix is currently at home waiting to join university after he performed very well in the national exam. He is hoping to find someone who will help him go through University to save his family from poverty.
Help us pray with him!
About Felix Mwailu's Home: Machakos
Machakos County is a part of SoutheasternKenya is generally known as Ukambani. The climate is usually hot and dry making farming a challenge and food supplies short.
The main diet in these areas is corn
products, beans, some fruits and green vegetables such as kale when the weather permits. The main language spoken is Kikamba and the primary religion isChristianity though there is still much traditional superstition and a recent influx
of Islam.