Child sponsorship portrait

Asbetter Kavata Muimi

Monthly Cost: $50.00


Kitui, Kenya
Grade 10
Age 17
Feb. 8, 2008
Unknown caretaker


Asbetter is a happy-looking and friendly  young lady. She stays with  her single mother and three siblings since her dad passed away in a road accident in 2016. Her mother is a small scale farmer and she has no promised  source of income or ability to get a consistent job. Sadly it has been very difficult for her to keep food on the table as well as to pay school fees for her children.  Asbetter is currently in grade 10  at a local girls high school. She is doing her best to finish  her education to serve  her  family and community. Would you be the friend that helps her reach her full potential in Christ?    

About Asbetter's Home: Kitui

Kitui County is a part of Southeastern Kenya generally known as Ukambani. The climate is usually hot and dry making farming a challenge and food supplies short.   The main diet in these areas is corn products, beans, some fruits, and green vegetables such as kale when the weather permits. The main language spoken is Kikamba and the primary religion is Christianity though there is still much traditional superstition and a recent influx of Islam.