Child sponsorship portrait

Annastacia Mbinya Muli

Monthly Cost: $35.00


Makueni, Kenya
Grade 9
Age 15
Aug. 14, 2009
Cared for by Christine (mother)


Annastacia is a friendly and kind young woman. Sadly, her dad is no longer a part of her life but she lives with her single mom and her three siblings. In the village, it is very difficult to get a sustainable source of income and since rain is unpredictable, they are never sure where their food will come from in the next season. Annastacia is currently in form 1 (grade 9) at a very nice Girls Secondary School where she is working hard and trusting God to make a way for her to finish her education and become the woman He created her to be. We believe with your hand reached out to minister to her, she can overcome the challenges she faces and serve the Lord in her generation!  

About Annastacia's Home: Makueni

Makueni County is a part of SoutheasternKenya generally known as Ukambani.The climate is usually hot and dry making farming a challenge and food supplies short.The main diet in these areas is corn products, beans, some fruits and green vegetables such as kale when the weather permits. The main language spoken is Kikamba and the primary religion is Christianity though there is still much traditional superstition and a recent influx of Islam