Child sponsorship portrait

Lydia Muthoni

Monthly Cost: $35.00


Machakos, Kenya
Grade 3
Age 12
Jan. 1, 2013
Unknown caretaker


Lydia is a friendly and joyful little girl. Sadly her single mom disappeared several years ago leaving her with her very old grandmother. Her grandma struggles to keep food on the table much less provide for Lydia's school fees and even more so as she gets older. 

Despite her situation, Lydia believes she will be able to overcome her current situation and become a woman of God who will be an agent of change in her generation. 


About Lydia's Home: Machakos

Machakos County is a part of SoutheasternKenya is generally known as Ukambani. The climate is usually hot and dry making farming a challenge and food supplies short.

The main diet in these areas is corn

products, beans, some fruits and green vegetables such as kale when the weather permits. The main language spoken is Kikamba and the primary religion isChristianity though there is still much traditional superstition and a recent influx

of Islam.