
Miracle in Pelekech

Published at: July 31, 2024

By author image ROMI Staff

The air was hot and stifling when we stepped out of the vehicle. To our right was a small church building with the noise of a simple drum and somewhere around 70 people singing in the Turkana language. Further out, by the dry river bed, in the sand sat close to 200 children under a tree. We had just arrived at Pelekech for the first time, a village we had only heard about and prayed for, one of the many villages in the Northern part of Kenya where there is no school, no clinic, no government intervention, only pain and suffering that has perpetuated itself throughout the years, from one generation to another. That day we had come for a time to minister to the church there and to see this place we had heard much about. Little did we know the journey the Lord had in store for us, the needs He would bring to our attention and the incredible team He would bring into place to make HIS vision for His children come to pass. 


Over the next four years, God did a great work in this village. Pastor Daniel Pollard bought the vision and with the help of Gospel Haven Mennonite church and many others, a school was built. The people of the village began to believe there was hope for them and their passion to learn and grow was ignited. As the school was built, the people learned to work for a meal, the children began to dream and in a sense, the light of God began to shine in that village. Today, we are amazed when we visit and we can actually have a conversation with the children in swahili, instead of working with an interpreter as we always did before. The transformation in a short time is truly incalculable and we are only in the beginning stages! 


Since that first school, we have seen the hand of God outstretched. In less than a year, two more schools in two similar villages were opened. Currently more than 700 children have the opportunity, not just for mental education but to hear and one day read the word of God, to escape generations of pologamy, immorality, desperation and poverty. But sadly, there are many, many more villages like this one - not only in Kenya but in surrounding countries like Uganda and South Sudan. We trust the Lord to raise up many more men and women of God to make a difference. Following are several ways you can be a part of what the Lord is doing:


  1. Pray - this is the true work that leads the way 
  2. Visit - we are always encouraged to have people who take an interest to see what the Lord is doing and how He would have them come alongside 
  3. Sponsor a child - when you sponsor an individual child, you give them the opportunity to finish their education and become all they were created by God to be. Many finish University with a strong desire to go back to their home villages to make a difference for others 
  4. Build a school - for individuals, churches or families that want to make a greater difference, building a school is a wonderful way to leave a legacy. For as little as $50,000 - $100,000, you can build a fully functional school in an under-reached village and take care of some running costs for the first year or two. Only in eternity will we truly understand the impact of these schools
  5. Where most needed - there are always needs that come up in these schools such as children who need medical care, paying teachers or providing housing for them, follow-up costs etc. Any gift towards these greatly relieves the load carried by the organization 


In whatever the Lord leads you to do, we welcome you on board and we know that together we can reach many thousands more for the glory of God among the unreached and oppressed in these nations. Will you allow the Lord to use you?